In Memory ~ Our Friend ~ Kenny George Cox 1978 - 2009

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Jul 25, 2010

Celebration BBQ ~ July 22, 2010

On Thursday, July 22, 2010, Kenny's Family hosted an amazing gathering in honor of Kenny... a time to 'reconnect'. Family and friends shared a potluck style feast including Kenny style bread. The relaxed, social gathering was kicked off with a prayer from George Cox. Following the prayer teams participated in a game focused to get the marble in the pre-drilled hole... once completed teams could grab their dinner plate. The relaxed potluck also included a fun game of tug-a-war and a parachute for the younger guests...

At the end of the evening there seem to be, what one could call a "Full Circle Moment" when a homeless couple approached me asking if there were any left-overs... The group cleaning up quickly and generously created plates of food to offer up. George then shared the story of Kenny to the homeless couple... they were touched.