In Memory ~ Our Friend ~ Kenny George Cox 1978 - 2009

Please feel free to leave positive, uplifting remarks and/or story(s) about Kenny's life. Scroll down to the post 'Share a Story' and click on the comments link to read and leave your story.

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Jul 25, 2010

Celebration BBQ ~ July 22, 2010

On Thursday, July 22, 2010, Kenny's Family hosted an amazing gathering in honor of Kenny... a time to 'reconnect'. Family and friends shared a potluck style feast including Kenny style bread. The relaxed, social gathering was kicked off with a prayer from George Cox. Following the prayer teams participated in a game focused to get the marble in the pre-drilled hole... once completed teams could grab their dinner plate. The relaxed potluck also included a fun game of tug-a-war and a parachute for the younger guests...

At the end of the evening there seem to be, what one could call a "Full Circle Moment" when a homeless couple approached me asking if there were any left-overs... The group cleaning up quickly and generously created plates of food to offer up. George then shared the story of Kenny to the homeless couple... they were touched.

Jun 6, 2010

Home - Last days

Friends: Joyous and Jack, sharing about Kenny's delight and uplifting presence. Stories of Joyous's birthday party spent a few weeks before Kenny's passing...

Kenny's Room/Bed - Light filled - Peaceful

This is the beautiful residence Kenny arranged to rent while his parents, George and Vivan, where in Kauai visiting.

Field - Ha'ena, Kauai

Kenny leased property (This Field) after deciding to settle in the Hanlei Bay area (North Shore Kauai).

May 22, 2010

Mahalo -- Kauai, HI

Kenny was blessed to attract amazing friends. Joyous and Jack (with Matt) at Saturday Farmers Market in Hanalei Bay.
Road (between two bridges) entrance to where Kenny lived after adventure in the wild...

(Just north of Hanalei Bay - Wainiha River)

Church in Hanalei Bay, Kauai, where Kenny attended.

Apr 23, 2010

Today: 2009

On April 23, 2009, our dear friend Kenny Cox left for the Hawaiian Island of Kauai. The precious memories of Kenny continue to live in our hearts and influence how family and friends live today...

On the 18th of this month, I will be traveling to the Island of Kauai to spread some of Kenny's ashes. During this journey, a time to reflect on a dear friend, I will visit the church Kenny attended and spend some time on the trail(s) and beaches Kenny graced with his presence.

Please check back for photos and more information. -Matt

Jan 20, 2010

Kenny's Palm Tree

Planted nicely in the North/East corner of George and Vivian's front yard is a tribute to Kenny... a Palm Tree.

On Monday Brian and I had breakfast with George and Vivian and shared, visited, cried, and laughed. Before leaving Brian and I said hello to the 'Kenny Palm Tree'.

Jan 15, 2010

Friday Night

I have just left a voice mail message for Brian... I'm sure he's busy educating our youth. It's Friday and we plan to meet up for dinner and a soak in the hot tub... last week was our first 'Friday Night' without our beloved friend Kenny. We spoke little about the obvious void but we did acknowledge his presence. To Kenny, who is with us all.